Sunday, July 01, 2007


Last week Andrew asked Paty to list the kids who have passed through the Drop-In centre to date and where they are now. The figures were amazing.

With the remodeling incomplete we haven't been openly publicising the Centre. Paty named 29 kids who have passed through. One third are still on the streets, one third are renting rooms and are off the streets and the other third are also off the streets whether in street homes, back with family or in prison (!)

We are encouraged and our prayer is that as the team go out to invite more kids to come into the Drop-In centre that the success rate in terms of seeing kids leave the streets would continue and also that those kids would find Christ as their Saviour.

On Friday night Gary babysat Tabitha and we were both able to go along to the ex-street kids cell group at Alex and Paty's house. The week before they had all agreed that each person would bring something to eat. Only four turned up this week and they think it might be because the kids had no money to buy food or didn't want to cook. It also seems that some of the guys had been drinking and so weren't able to come. Normally there are about 10 kids there. Pray as we continue to use scripture to help them see that they can overcome their temptations and live victoriously in Christ.

For those who were there it was touching to hear each kid pray out loud for individuals still on the streets in the group they came from. May God rescue their friends in the same way he has rescued them.

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