Sunday, July 22, 2007


We put a lot of work into the organisation of this event...but so did many others - from renting equipment to handing out flyers and organising games it was very much a team effort. There were many reasons why this event was exciting - it was a real boost to the club and raised our profile in the area, the leaders were visibly excited to see how many kids attended and almost seemed to gain a fresh energy, the kids had a great time and many parents joined in too. Let me talk you through the day in pictures...

A gifted lady in the church made these wonderful balloon arches which added to the party feel.
Zoel assumed his regular position of announcing the event at the front gate...but Tabitha wasn't too sure if she appreciated the volume at close range! Ericka and Karen greeted people and gave them a food ticket and a games list.
The trampoline proved to be a hit and probably had far too many kids on at any one time but thankfully no-one got hurt!
There were several games where kids could win tickets which they could interchange for prizes at the prize table. As you can see they were popular. Thanks to the teams who have brought out suitable prizes. We added a few sweets to the selection and thankfully we had enough to see us through the event. There was also a 'guess the number of sweets in the jug' competition. The closest guess to the actual total of 694 was 500!
There was no reprieve for the face painters but the kids smiles made the work rewarding.
We were joined by a Christian clown who entertained us for about 45 minutes. You may just see me holding Tabitha who was a little unsure of this strange character.
The team from NI came and helped out. Here Hannah has a look of disgust and unbelief. Did she really think John was going to eat all those burgers?
Oh no! There were kids and parents alike who wouldn't let him away with that! Thanks again to one of the ladies in the church who made the burgers and to all who worked so hard all morning in the kitchen.
'Ponle la cola al burro' or 'Pin the tail on the donkey' - as popular here as it is at home.
These little footballers proudly arrived with the trophy they won in a football (soccer) tournament last week. We're delighted that they are so excited to come and get involved. We told them that if they won they should bring their prize along. It seems we are developing good relationships there.
Just after 12pm everyone came together. Andrew led them in a few songs which were energetic and great fun. Then I gave a fairly short but very direct gospel message (you might just about see me in the picture below). The kids really entered in and responded. Pray that the seed planted will be like the seed that falls in good ground. It was fairly impossible to count the numbers but we think there were about 150 kids plus parents. Pray that some of these kids would come back and that many will come to the Holiday Bible Club which was advertised as well.

Pray for the team of leaders and that their vision would be maintained. Praise God with us - He is doing amazing things.

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