Sunday, July 01, 2007


On Saturday morning Gary and Andrew picked Hannah up at the airport at 6.30am. Hannah is from N. Ireland and was here for 2 weeks with a team 2 years ago. The boys brought her to our house (where she is staying for this week) and we had a cup of coffee before going out to La Loma. After the breakfast club we all had something to eat ourselves. Hannah didn't take long to get involved - here she is surrounded by some of the young people who were eager to know more about her. Thankfully she had 10 hours sleep on the plane so she was able to give Spanish a good go!

Hannah is here for 6 weeks and will be involved in Social Ministries (i.e. with us!). She will have a mini project to complete, will spend time at the Drop-In Centre and on the streets and will also help out at La Loma as well as seeing first hand the other ministries that go on in Mexico. Pray that God will really use her while she is here and that His purposes will be accomplished in and through her during her stay. Pray for her health and safety as she is here. We have no doubt that God has great plans for this wonderful girl.
What started out as a lovely sunny day turned into a most heavy rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning. It was incredible to hear the sound of the rain on the roof of the church and to see the water running down the hill like a river. We couldn't get picture that did justice to the violence of the storm! But it quickly passed and was soon lovely and sunny again!

1 comment:

Family Blogs said...

Hi there!

Great to see a photo of Hannah safely arrived in Mexico City, and to hear of what she'll be involved in over the next number of weeks. Remembering you in prayer, and looking forward to face to face fellowship in a short while.

Love in Christ,
Andrew and Carolyn

PS - good to see that Hannah brought some Northern Ireland weather with her!!