Sunday, June 24, 2007


We didn't take photos this week. We had a few less kids overall but some new ones. It was encouraging to hear today that there was a mother and her daughter in church today as a result of having been at the breakfast club. There are also kids coming who enjoyed the Holiday Bible Club (VBS) last summer but hadn't been in the church since.

Some of the kids were really attentive to the teaching on 'New Life', especially some of the older ones. One of the leaders wasn't able to come so Andrew and I had to cover her spaces. We didn't find out until about 15 mins before the start of Club so we didn't like to ask others to do it. It meant I had to cover the intro and an object lesson and Andrew had to cover games. I guess that's part of the responsibility of leadership! It blows me away that kids actually pay attention and have patience to listen to us as we teach in our best Spanish. I am always reminded though that we could talk with the tongues of men and of angels but without love it's just not worth anything.

We have decided to make some changes for next week. Firstly we will have the breakfast after the teaching program. There are lots of reasons we think that's a better idea. We've also decided not to hold the program in the main sanctuary. It's much too big and noisy a space. We're going to stay downstairs in the patio and see how it goes in a more confined space.

When I met with the leaders today it was good to remind them of the important role of each member of the team. How easy it is to depend on programs and the people at the front to do a good job. The truly is that these kids will probably not remember the specific lessons we give but they will remember different leaders and their characters. They'll remember the love and care they were shown. They will remember a happy disposition and warm, friendly faces. We have found that kids have come not because of an amazing program but because they found their need for love and acceptance being met and because of their friendships with leaders and other kids attending.

Please pray that as we implement the changes they will be successful. Pray that kids would invite their friends to come. Pray too that Mex-i-Kids would become notorious in the area as a place where people find satisfaction (spiritual as well as physical!) and that lives are wonderfully changed. Pray that God would be honoured and glorified always in all that is said and done. We're in this together!

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