Sunday, July 01, 2007

Breakfast Club

This week we started with the teaching program downstairs and then had the food afterwards. We had a few less kids again this week - just over 40. Also a few of the leaders didn't turn up which meant that once again we had to cover at the last minute. So that was a little discouraging but there are always encouragements too.

The changes seemed to work really well. We felt the atmosphere and excitement at the club was really good. We were also able to speak with parents which was great. None of the kids came up from the Shanty Town. I spoke with Zoel about that (the guy who goes down to invite them up). It seems the parents are holding their kids back from coming. Zoel is going to go this week and try to talk with some of the parents to see if the suspicion can be cleared. Please pray that his visits will go well and that he will make vital contacts. We are so keen to see these kids and their families come to know Christ.

None of the kids from another area came either. I chatted to the lady who had had the invitation event in that area and she told me that there are events organised for the kids in her area over the summer. Hopefully they will come after the summer.

So we plough on ahead. There is no doubt that we are building friendships. A couple of older guys stayed on after club to help with the church cleaning just for something to do! We have some attendance incentives and we are also organising a big event for the 21st July. That's just 2 weeks before the start of the Holiday Bible Club (VBS). We are planning to rent inflatables, have a bbq, games, clowns, face painting etc. There will also be a teaching slot and some songs. The main purpose is to excite kids about coming to breakfast club and also to invite them to the VBS.

Please pray that God will move in the area. Pray that He will draw the kids in. Pray for consistency in the leaders and that they will develop good relationships with the kids. Pray for growth and that as the kids come they will learn and remember the teaching and respond to it. We so need your prayers for all of these things. Thanks again for standing with us.

God bless you!

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