Sunday, August 05, 2007

This week's big news!

This announcement is best given by Tabitha who does a great job sporting her new t-shirt (or an old one that I doctored!)!
Yes, it's true - we're expecting another baby! We had a scan this week and going by the measurements it looks like we are about 12½ weeks along. So baby is due at the beginning of February (could be close to Tabitha's 2nd birthday!) We're hoping to have the baby here in Mexico this time and then travel home soon after. We won't have the luxury of being at home on deputation for as long this next time as we had with Tabitha and we really want our families to have as much time as possible with the new baby.

Unfortunately though that makes things more complicated this end. We're so used to the NHS and really not having to think about the whole health process. Here we need to find a doctor that is reasonably priced, that we trust, and that has connections with a reasonably priced and trustworthy hospital. We also want to find a hospital as close to home as we can. We would appreciate your prayers for that. Last time we used a doctor in a local clinic but it seems that to have a baby in a hospital we have to use a doctor who is authorised to deliver in the hospital of choice for the duration of the pregnancy.

Our medical insurance from home doesn't cover routine deliveries so we want to find a good hospital that doesn't costs the earth! It could be difficult but it's in God's hands. For now, we're just searching around and trusting Him so that we can enjoy the fact that He has blessed us with a precious little life.

Please continue to pray for my health and that of the baby. So far I've been ok. From time to time I feel a little nauseous but nothing too debilitating. It's more obvious if I leave too much time between meals or get overly tired. On reading the rest of the blog you'll realise that tiredness is one of the obvious results of all the activity. Please pray that we will be able to rest well when we get the chance and that our time as a couple and a family would be of good quality.

We'll keep you posted on the progress and no doubt in future posts you'll see the little one make itself more and more obvious as the dress sizes increase!


Janette said...

Congratulations, friends. Wow, what a change is coming your way. At least the kids don't outnumber you...yet. We just rediscovered your blog linked to Mackinnons'. Blessings on your family and ministry.

Millers in Mexico

Anonymous said...

Great news. Well done all of you. congratulations and much love and prayers.
cathy. In Portstewart11111