Sunday, August 12, 2007

How the week finished off

Thank you again for praying! Really we've had such a great week. It's been hard work, we've been really tired and on Wednesday I came down with a cold. Thankfully now I am feeling much better and even the annoying tickly cough seems to be clearing up. Tomorrow we have a well earned day off!

On Wednesday and Thursday Tabitha came along and on Friday Margaret and Robin so kindly looked after her again. Both of them seem to be called 'Maw-git' to Tabitha though I think I may have heard her say "Bobbin" a couple of times! She seemed to have a great week though I am looking forward to resuming my normal responsibilities and being with her again. Here Tabitha stands outside the mouth of the 'Cave of Adullam' or otherwise the versatile baptistry!

On Saturday we had our finale. About 100 kids and 30 or so parents came along. Andrew and I ran around like headless chickens at the start as we tried to get everything set up but it seemed to come together (at the last minute) and we had a great time. One of the groups of kids here is helping lead the others in a song. There were four groups in total. Even the parents got involved and joined in the fun. did the chicken and the lion, characters that appeared throughout the week. The clown made a guest appearance and is now attending the church. He gave a great a simple lesson on what it is to have a pure heart like David.
There were 3 dramas - 2 repeats from the week and 1 new mime from the Irish team. Here Jim got pulled in at the last moment to help in the drama as the kids who had done it wasn't there. It's been so useful to have Spanish speakers on the team!
And it's all for these precious, needy little souls. Some of the kids were primary aged working street kids who don't go to school, others perhaps had a little more materially but all came with a spiritual need - the need for a pure heart, like that of King David. The gospel has been clearly presented and the invitation has gone out time after time. Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to work though the Holiday Bible Club has now finished. Many were back at church today and it seemed to be a huge crowd. We are excited and ask you to pray earnestly with us that the momentum would continue - that God would continue to bless, that the work would not be hindered by the attack of the enemy and that these precious kids would come back to the club on Saturday and not forget.
What fantastic atmosphere afterwards as all the leaders got together for more food and fellowship. That was one of the things that encouraged me most - the joy in people's hearts as they were serving Jesus. "How pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity". We are so blessed just to be a part of a team like this. Certainly the organisation was not without fault, the program was not delivered perfectly and there is a lot to learn for next time (D.V.) but our prayer is that in spite of our failings God, who is perfect and merciful, will have been glorified and will continue to speak clearly.
Today at church the N.I. team sang two songs - one in English, one in Spanish. They have been appreciated so much. It's lovely to see how relationships form despite the language barrier and how a team can benefit from concentrating on a particular task for a few days.

Behind the scenes there were lots of things going on too. There were ladies who worked so hard in the kitchens and lots of conversations that we'll know nothing about 'til eternity. I'm personally thankful for the opportunity to talk to a young lady in a crisis. We were able to talk for over an hour and though I went in with fear and trembling I believe it was a God appointment and He has moved in a significant way in her life. Continue to pray that she will draw near to Him and put Him first in her decisions and her relationships. God knows her name!

One of the girls on the team was able to really encourage a lady who is having a hard time bringing up her granddaughter of 5 years of age. The team member was able to share her testimony of how her own parents passed away and how she was brought up by her grandparents and how she found Christ. The bible says that 'all things work together for good to those who love God'. Both the team member and this dear lady have passed through difficult circumstances but though they come from different parts of the world God was able to connect their hearts today. The lady left encouraged in her labour for her little granddaughter and knowing that God can use her to influence this precious little girls for him. She herself was very antagonistic to the gospel. Her son became a Christian when he went to the US and he would phone his mum 2 or 3 times a week and read the bible to her over the phone. She never wanted to listen but then her son passed into a coma and she went to visit him. He never woke up but through the situation and through the help of Christian people there she gave her life to Christ. On her return to Mexico she looked for a church to take her family to. She has been at La Loma for just over 2 years. Her husband also attends with her and has trusted Christ as well. It is a privilege to know such people.

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