Sunday, August 05, 2007

Thanks for you prayers

This has been quite a week of highs and lows. But that's why we have this site - so you can live the highs and lows with us and be right with us in the battle. We normally update the site on Sundays but there will be times, like this week, where urgent things come up and we will let you know as soon as we can.

On Wednesday night we went round to Sandra and Beto's house. Sandra was obviously bruised around the eyes but neither of them would admit to what had happened. Eventually they told us that Sandra had gone back to her street group, drugged up and got into a fight. Sandra agreed with the story but when Beto's eyes were off her she let us know it wasn't true. We were really getting nowhere with the chat until the boys took Beto out to talk to him alone. Then Sandra opened a little to Paty and I. She of course had been physically abused. She indicated that she wanted to leave but when we talked specifics she started to back off. We decided to wait until this week and to pray that she would be really ready to leave. Without going into too many details at this stage we feel that Sandra will not grow spiritually or emotionally while she is still with Beto.

On Friday night at the Street Kids service (cell group) we found out that Sandra has run away with the 2 kids. We're not sure where she is though we have ideas.

Please continue to pray that God will speak to her. Pray that she will remember that God loves her and so do we (we assured of that before leaving on Wednesday night). Pray that through this difficult time we will find her, that she will have the strength to be by herself for a while and that we will be able to help her work through the many problems she carries from her past. Pray for her safety and for that of her kids. Pray for Beto too. Of course, we still want to see his life turned around.

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