Sunday, August 26, 2007


Thanks to those of you who responded to our post last week. It's always so good to know that we are part of a team and not working alone out here. Thank you so much for all your support.

To bring you up to date with the sofa story - we still don't have any! We were told they would arrive on Wednesday, then we were told Friday or Saturday - which of course became Saturday. We came home after the breakfast club and 20 mins after the sofas were due to be delivered we got a call to say they had just received the material that morning and they wouldn't be ready until Tuesday. You can imagine how we felt...but really, it's not that important in the long run. Our main concern is not to get angry and frustrated wit everything and everyone as a result. So hopefully they'll arrive this week. For now Tabitha is finding getting in and out of the furniture very easy indeed (It's her aging mummy and daddy who are having more problems)!
We've also heard that some have been wondering if we have been affected by the hurricane. We have, but not as you might think - we had a couple of days with quite a bit of rain. One day it rained all day - just a little reminder of home for us! We were actually expecting it to be a lot worse. We had been told that Friday and Saturday would be awful but it didn't transpire. So thanks for your prayers and concern again. Here Tabitha seems to be checking the skies to see if there is any more rain on the way before enjoying running up and down through the puddles.

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