Sunday, August 26, 2007

La Loma

After the non-arrival of our furniture yesterday we headed back to La Loma (30 mins each way) for the music rehearsal. Here we are choosing songs before we start. The request from the pastor was that none of the songs be about us - that they all focus on Christ. The sound system was a disaster and we didn't get through all the songs before we had to leave as we were meeting some people for the evening. We were nervous this morning but the team had sorted everything out and the volume and congregational involvement in the worship this morning was incredible. I think it's one of the best music times we've had so far. It was really exciting.

Here's our Sunday School class today. We've just finished 3 weeks of looking at the life of Gideon and we acted out 2 chapters today. One group per chapter. We have been looking at the ups and downs of the children of Israel as they choose to follow God or turn to foreign idols. It's a great time to do the study. Some of our kids have just moved up from primary to secondary school and all are starting a new year of school. Today each kids wrote out 4 way that they can actively follow God and do what He wants. We will make a list and each kid who wants will sign a form indicating their desire to do certain things (like daily prayer and bible reading) and we will hold each other accountable each week. None of the kids do daily devotionals . One said her mum has a daily devotional. So we are hoping to find a suitable one that we can give them to help them with that. Pray that these kids will grow in their Christian walk.

This is 'Bible Month'. Today the kids took part in the service again. Here some of the kids are saying verses and the older kids recited the books of the bible. 'Biblia' means bible.
These are 2 brothers who were responsible for lifting the offering.

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