Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another breakfast club?

Andrew's first sermon in Spanish seemed to go well. Praise God for His enabling. He didn't get back home until about 9pm but he saw a fantastic part of the city and a great work that is going on there.

Soon he will have a meeting with the pastor but it looks like they are interested in starting their own breakfast club. Once again this is another extremely poor area of the city. The same church organised a Holiday Bible Club (VBS) and 300 kids turned up. They say that can't advertise as they can't cope with the numbers of kids who turn up! May we in some practical way be able to help them to open their arms wide to these precious kids and may none be turned away through lack of finances or human resources.

Our prayer card verse is that we go out into the highways and hedges and compel people to come in that God's house may be filled!


Janette said...

Looks like a great opportunity. Where is it located exactly?

Anonymous said...

Hey guys just wanted you to know you're all still very much in my prayers. Hope all is well! Tell everyone i said Hi!
Laura Williamson (armagh)