Sunday, October 14, 2007

Answers to prayer

I was just thinking this morning about some of the specific answers to prayer. This week we have had good health. I'm still getting nauseous if I get over-tired but that's easily remedied! Tabitha health has been great this week and her belly seems to be better adjusted than ever before. Thank you for your prayers.

We were also really encouraged yesterday at the breakfast club. We had a good group of kids but what encouraged me most was that we had more help. I was particularly encouraged to see a couple of our leaders sitting down beside kids, chatting to them and encouraging them to come back next week. That is something that doesn't usually happen as leaders often just let the kids get on with it and don't interact much. Praise God for this answer to prayer please keep praying that it will continue.

This week we will be on the green page of the wordless book (Christian growth) and the lesson is being given by a talented young chap but he's nervous as he doesn't have much experience. Pray that he will be used and that he will gain the confidence to boldly proclaim truth that will make a difference in these kids lives.

Perhaps you prayed for quiet hearts after you read about our struggle with discipline. Please be encouraged that as Andrew gave the lesson this week you could have heard a pin drop! We're just so grateful for those of you who are reading the blog and praying specifically. We're in this together and God is doing great things!

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