Sunday, October 07, 2007


This week there was a breakfast/conference for ladies planned for the same time as Mex-i-Kids. It was a great event with 70 ladies attending and lives being touched. What it meant for the club was that we were greatly reduced in leaders and we had about 40 kids! Some new from the area and probably some there as their mums were at the conference. So besides Andrew and me we had 3 leaders and a teenager to help! We were run ragged but the kids seemed to have a great time and thankfully we had organised a craft that they loved - decorating biscuits with sweets!

Here are some of the younger kids working...and eating!

And some of the older girls...

We are going through the visualised wordless book at the moment and this week it was my turn to teach the 'red page'. Some of the kids already know the story but some were intrigued...after we finally got them settled down. Discipline here takes on a whole new meaning from what we are used to. We find it incredibly hard going. Kids seem to completely ignore us at times and it doesn't seem to be language difficulties. So while I taught Andrew prayed and amazingly at one point I had everyone's attention and was able to get the point across clearly. Prayer works!!

We are finding some of the kids to be a lot more open and friendly. The little kids can be especially hard work but some of the older primary kids are really warming up to us. Of course what we really want is for more Mexicans to come on board and to develop vital relationships with the kids, showing them and example of Christ and attracting kids to want to come to know Him for themselves. Please keep praying for the team and for more workers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your both having a right riot on your hands. God bless you both in your work. Praying for national workers to further develop the work.