Last Saturday evening the team came over to our home for something to eat. Jonny, Julie, Gary and Colleen also shared a little of their stories. The next day they headed to their accommodation beside the Drop-In centre in preparation for a week of extremely hard work!

Lots of scraping... the grease off the walls...

...scraping off the old plaster...

...putting on new plaster.

A partition to give privacy for the newly functioning guys shower and changing area.

The doors get painted with an anti-rust paint.

New doorway to shower area.

Breeze blocks are transferred up to the roof...

...where the water heater for the new shower is being installed.

Meanwhile it's business as normal. The girls are making wooden reindeer for hanging on Christmas trees...

...the guys are doing pictures...

...Fidel is discipling...

...and some are just looking for a bite to eat!

The old windows come out...

...the new frame goes in...

..with a new metal frontage for protection.

The completed water heater system.

As we mentioned last week there is usually at least one kids who is hugely impacted during the visit of a team. This week your prayers were once again answered. This family showed up on Monday asking if the Proyecto MEFI team would go and get their son/brother off the streets and take him to rehab. The team explained that they couldn't - the impetus had to come from the guy himself. It was agreed that if he came to the Drop-In Centre that day someone would take him to rehab. Normally we ask for some commitment at the Drop-In Centre before taking anyone to rehab. Sure enough the guy turned up and he is now in rehab. Pray that he will have the strength and determination to see it out. He is deeply affected by the drug. Pray for his family too now that contact has been established with them.

On Wednesday two guys asked with great sincerity for help to leave the streets. The guy below spoke with Andrew who explained that Proyecto MEFI could help him get off the streets but he had a greater need - the need for God's forgiveness. This kid was ready and with brokenness he sobbed his way to repentance. The other guy spoke with Paty and the outcome was the same. Two more names were added to the Lamb's book of life this week - praise God and please pray with fervency for their growth in faith and for their successful change from street life to renting, working etc. Another girl left the streets too though she hasn't trusted Christ yet. She is also being treated for a deep wound to her back which she got when she tripped going down into the manhole that was home for her last week.
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