Saturday, May 05, 2007

Urgent Prayer

Sandra really needs your prayers. On Wednesday she came in typically tense and agitated and left a lot happier and relaxed. Beto had left work again and there were several other little things he was doing that caused us to worry (not in the wrong sense - God is in control!). She did interestingly ask what would happen to her if she left him - would she have to go to a street home? We told her she didn't need to worry but didn't offer anything tangible.

Yesterday Andrew had a meeting at Santa Monica with Alex and Paty. Sandra showed up and burst into floods of tears. We can't detail everything that happened but suffice to say that she has no option - she has to run from Beto. He has been hurting and humiliating her physically and emotionally. Yes, the bible studies would calm him down and Sandra admitted that but the next day he was awful to her.

Alex and Paty took her to a place to hide with her children (ages 3 amd 3 months) yesterday and we will be looking for accomodation for her on Monday. Please pray for all Sandra's needs - spiritual, physical and emotional at the moment. Pray that we will be able to find her a house and all of the friendship and support that she needs (outside of the Lord). Pray for her safety and of the kids. Pray that having taken this step she will now be able to move ahead in building up her own self esteem (which is very low) and learning to accept and forgive herself and others who hurt her in the past.

It's impossible not to love Sandra. She is such a caring person and loves to laugh. Sadly we've had to work a lot lately to see her laugh and on Wednesday her little 3 ear old girl was very sensitive and easily reduced to tears. We're ready to see this beautiful girl laugh freely and move into all the potential that God has placed into her life. Thank you for praying with us.

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