Saturday, May 05, 2007

Social Ministry Centre

Fidel and Andrew met a couple of weeks ago with an engineer and an architect at the drop-in centre. They have gone away with ideas and rough plans that the MEFI team had drawn up. They will take measurements and hopefully get back as soon as possible with plans which the team will check over.

Then we need to get government approval. So we really needs your prayers. Things can move slowly here and we have teams lined up to come from the US and help with the constructions. Such teams are a huge blessing. The reduce costs considerably and are also great fun to work with and can work alongside the street kids.

Please pray that everything would be in place before the teams come. We need things to move quickly - with the planners and the people who need to pass the plans at this stage. We are getting very excited as we take more steps to seeing this building completed and ready to be put to full use.

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