Sunday, May 27, 2007


Just before we left for church on Sunday it was obvious from the aroma in the atmosphere that Tabitha needed a bum change (why does she always do that when we're in a rush to get out the door?). Handily enough the hospital need a poo sample within 1 hour of delivery and the hospital was en route to the church. So we filled the flask (and had to change all of Tabitha's clothes) and set off to the hospital.

On Wednesday we discovered that Tabitha has E. coli. We took the results from the hospital to the doctor and he kindly saw us there and then and prescribed the necessary medication. Things are slowly returning to normal. Last Saturday she decided that it was finally time to walk. She took her first steps weeks ago but wasn't interested in making walking a habit. We're so thankful she's turned the corner. Probably the reason she got E. coli is because she picked it up on her hands while crawling and then put her fingers in her mouth.

We are amazed by the little words she is using. She says lots of things in English very clearly but she also says things in Spanish and uses hand signals to indicate that she knows what she is saying. When we hear a new word we have to try and figure out if it is English or Spanish. On Tuesday night a Mexican pastor and friend was over and as we conversed Tabitha was desperately trying to get his attention (it doesn't do for her not to be at the centre of it all!). She started to use very strange sounds that we have only ever heard her use when we are speaking Spanish. They didn't make sense to us (or the Mexican) but they got her the attention and I guess she knew what she was trying to say! Her blond hair and blue eyes continue to ensure that she gets lots of attention and admiring comments wherever we go. People always want to lift her and our little Miss Independent is just not up for that at all!
Tabitha with her medication and some of the milks we tried while attempting to get to the root of her problem

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