Sunday, October 12, 2008

MOPS meeting 2

We had our 2nd MOPS meeting on Thursday. The different roles were presented and each lady wrote 2 areas in which they would like to be involved and one area where they would not like to be involved. There are 5 areas of responsibility.

We have a great bunch of ladies and it is exciting to think about how God will use this ministry. I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom though. The ladies were unanimous in their desire not to be responsible for the children's program. So now I am deciding what to do... Do I force a lady into that role against her wishes? Do I find out why this is so undesireable and see if the reason is resolveable? Do I ask two ladies to share the responsibility? Do I call in someone else who is in a different season of life and wouldn't necessarily benefit from the MOPS program?

In the next few days I will prayerfully come to a decision hopefully. Personally I am excited about the kids program. I love the thought of kids dragging their mums to MOPS because they themselves want to be there. I am excited about the possibility of reaching these tiny kids with the gospel right at the outset of their lives.

From now on we will be meeting every 2 weeks for planning. It gives us about 6 planning sessions before we start and as I started to map out those meetings I realised that there is a lot to cover in that time. Please continue to pray for the leadership team and also for the preparation of the hearts of ladies who will attend.

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