Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mex-i-Kids La Loma

You may have been wondering how the breakfast club at La Loma has been going now that we aren't so heavily involved each week.

Well, it seems that there are now about 35 regular attenders. That is fantastic because before the attendance was quite erratic. It's a great base upon which they can grow. We asked what it was that was causing the attendance to be more regular and from the answers it was obvious that the leaders are asking questions to engage more with the kids. One of the leaders said that she asked one little boy what his favourite part of the club was. His answer was typical - the games. What is not so typical though was what followed. He went on to tell her that he loves the games because no one plays with him at home! Sometimes there is a lot more to doing a particular activity than we think. Let us encourage you to keep going. Sometimes the things we do that might not seem overtly 'spiritual' have a huge impact that will stay with the people we are ministering to and may even attract them to Christ.

This week of course is Halloween week. Here in Mexico the Halloween holiday is followed by the 'Day of the Dead' holiday. A special event has been planned at La Loma including a simple evangelistic drama. Pray that in this dark time here kids and their families will be released from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.

For several nights we will have many visitors at our door. Trick or treaters come in bus loads. Last year we had up to about 100 at a time, parents and children. This year we are prepared with tracts and sweets (candies). Pray that the tracts will be read and will be used to open people's hearts to the gospel.

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