Sunday, October 12, 2008

Escuadron and Chalco

We were blessed to worship in a different church this morning. We went to Escuadron, the mother church of the one in Valle de Chalco where the Mexi-Kids program is held. It wasn't a free visit as Andrew was invited to preach and sing. The traffic was kind to us as were Tabitha and Oscar who slept most of the way. There were maybe 40-50 people in attendance. There is a similar sized congregation on Thursday evenings but made up of completely different people who have to work on Sunday and can't make it to church then. The band members go to the Thursday service so today it was acapella! We were made to feel incredibly welcome and we were so touched as we drove home past thousands of houses in very poor situations. The pastor and his wife are very keen to start a Mexi-Kids group in this church as well. There is no doubt that there is infinite potential in the area and many precious souls could be reached. It seems that everywhere we go we are surrounded by need and it is so hard to have to make decisions based on finances. For now we have to hold off on Escuadron as we help to set up and fund the new Mexi-Kids in Acapulco. We will be going to some of the longer established clubs to see if we can reduce the financial support that we are giving and will be asking if the churches can take some of the expense. In the midst of all this need it is always good to remember that God's work done in God's way will never lack His supply!

Please continue to pray for Andrew as he runs the 4 week English course at the Mexi-Kids in Chalco. He is now 1/2 way through with 2 classes down. In particular we would love you to start praying for the special service held on the Sunday after the last class. There will be a presentation of certificates etc. but the main purpose is to invite the kids with their parents to a Sunday service. Both Andrew and I hope to be there and we ask you to pray that parents will come, that good contacts will be made and that people will find Christ and be added to the church.

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