Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sandra and study

It's been a while since I mentioned Sandra and Beto. Sadly they seem to be cooling off a lot. They are still off the streets but have not been attending church and have not been looking for spiritual help. We've decided that change will only happen when they earnestly desire it and while we keep an eye on them we will wait and see what happens.

Meanwhile I have enrolled in a counseling course by distance learning. I'll take it a module at a time to see how it goes but I have realised my need for some training in this area and I hope to share that with others on the team here. It's also something I've wanted to do for a while and I'm excited that it's worked out for now anyway. I start next week and it's a 14 week course. Then I'll take a break for the arrival of baby and hopefully continue in June. The first course is called 'Dynamics of biblical change'

Please pray that the materials ordered will arrive this week and that this course will not only be of benefit to me personally but also to the Proyecto MEFI team and many of the kids coming off the streets.

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