Sunday, September 23, 2007

The music group

Having the Carrubbers team at church last week meant that we were able to get this rare picture of the two of us in ministry together. Andrew is singing on the extreme right and I am on keyboard to the extreme left.
We enjoy being in the music group but making rehearsals is tough due to other commitments and it's also hard on Tabitha to be around church all day when she doesn't sleep well there. It's been decided to change the rehearsal time to Sundays after church. We'll give it a go and see how Tabitha does. It will mean a shorter time in the church on Saturdays for her which should hopefully help her get through Sundays a little better. It's hard at times to say no but we realise our responsibility as parents and we need to be prayerfully choosing our involvement in different ministries. We want Tabitha to know that she comes first and so even from now we need to get into the habit of considering her needs and doing the right thing. Pray that we will be wise as parents and as ministers in another country seeking to reach the lost for Christ.

My personal view is that Tabitha is a big part of my ministry. This week she learned a new song, "He made the stars to shine" and had all the actions learned in a couple of days. She's just a little sponge and it gives me such joy to see her so receptive and learning about God's love for her. We ask her who loves Tabitha and she responds, "Jesus!" and she can also say that in Spanish! If Tabitha is a priority in ministry then I have to make sacrifices in other areas. There are things that I would love to do but can't but there are other things that I can do and just this weekend I made an interesting discovery about how being 'forced' to be around home has actually put me in a position of being able to minister in ways that are much more suited to the strengths and gifts God has given me. So without wanted to ramble on too much I would ask you to pray for Tabitha and for our wisdom as parents as we make decisions and seek to do God's will and 'train up our child in the way she should go.'

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