Sunday, September 30, 2007

The rest of the week

Andrew had a couple of meetings this week with pastors re. Social Ministries. One of the pastors is interested in starting a Mex-i-Kids breakfast Club in his church (Tultitlan). It looks like it will start by the end of October and it will be run by the folks in he church. The area is also extremely poor and could have a great impact in the area. The great thing is that we are able to share lessons learned so far through our experience in La Loma.

The other pastor was incredibly open. He has lots of different things going on in his church and we'll share more about that when we have more information.

Another great thing that happened this week was that on Wednesday Andrew did interviews with the kids in the Drop-In Centre. The information was basic and just to be able to help us keep track of progress (they will be performed every week or two) and how best we can be helping each of the kids. Perhaps this is where my counselling course will find it's outlet. It takes a long time to build trust with these kids and neither of us has been able to devote the time needed into these kids but we are a team and Alex and Paty have dedicated themselves to that task. As Andrew asked the questions he found the kids giving him a lot more respect and afterwards they were more than considerate to him. What's more exciting though is just how highly esteemed Alex and Paty are. This couple have truely been called by God and equipped by Him for the task. They have a firmness and directness accompanied by an immense love for these kids and they are seeing results for their labour. Of course it takes time and sacrifice and at times Alex and Paty are very tired. Praise God for tangible results of what He is doing through them and continue to pray for their stamina and encouragement in the ministry.

We ourselves were very tired this week and after almost 3 weeks without much time off we were able to take half of Thursday and Friday to recharge.

Yesterday we had the usual number at the breakfast club (about 30) and as there was no music rehearsal we were able to leave shortly afterwards. Tabitha had a good rest in preparation for a longer day today (rehearsal lasted about 2 hours) and we were able to do some work at home.

This week looks set to be fairly normal but who knows what will happen. Thanks for your prayers and your involvement in the ministry here.

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