Sunday, September 23, 2007

Event in the Drop-In Centre

Thank you for your prayers for this event. It seems it was profitable. About 25 kids went along and had a great time. There were games, a drama, a talk and songs, food and some gifts. There were lots of smiles. We have these events to further establish trust relationships with the kids and this event certainly achieved that. Kids were mainly from 2 groups. It's just great to be able to use the Drop-In Centre but as you can see from the photos there is still much work to be done. We have a contact for an engineer and hopefully he will visit the Centre this week. Pray that this will work out and that we will quickly have plans for the rest of the remodeling work that can be submitted and passed my the government. There is a team coming down in October so we don't have much time and we would appreciate your prayers for a miracle in terms of a quick proposal accompanied by a rapid and uncomplicated government approval. There are things the team can do but we would love them to be able to do some of the big jobs like building bathrooms, knocking down walls etc.

Here the Carrubbers team get to planning Monday night's event.
Mark and Sarah do a sketch using masks.
Some of the kids listen and watch intently.
Traditional food (pozole) to finish.

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