We took the Carrubbers team out to the airport on Friday night and said the dreaded goodbyes. It was hard but we are so thankful for their visit. While they were here we spent as much time as we could together and our kind missionary family even helped by babysitting on occasion. We are tired but we have been so refreshed by their visit and feel renewed in our passion for the ministry God has entrusted to us. Somehow saying good bye makes home seem a long way away yet less than 24 hours after they left we were speaking with some and seeing them over Skype! Sometimes we feel like it would be lovely to be able to 'pop up the road' to see friends and family and then get back to work here in Mexico again. We're grateful for the happy memories of the team's visit and our prayer is that each one will continue to allow God to speak to them and change them as a result of their experience here.
Here are some of the team with Andrew buying decorations in the centre of town for the special event at the Drop-In Centre.

One of the groups they visited was one we visited back in 2001 when we were first here. The kid in the middle of the front row with the stripey jumper did a video interview for us back then. He has expressed a desire to leave the streets. Six years later he looks very different (though still recognisable) and his lifestyle has taken it's toll. Praise God he is still alive and pray that his life will be turned around before it's too late.

Of course the group saw a little of the culture here. On Tuesday they went to the pyramids outside the city (largest stepped pyramids in the world). The vendors weren't going to miss the opportunity of prying some money from these Scots! Here you can see them surrounded! Andrew is in the red t-shirt on the left.

A group photo. Our own little piece of Carrubbers here in Mexico!
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