Saturday, October 10, 2009

Who turned up the speed?

It seems so hard to believe that in less than a week we will be back in N. Ireland. It's hard to imagine exchanging our t-shirts for sweaters, not sitting in horrendous traffic or speaking in Spanish. More importantly, it's hard to imagine that we are saying final goodbyes to so many people we love so much. I think we are still in denial about that. Tania (above) has been our friend ever since we came back in 2004. She is a fabulous Spanish teacher but it wasn't long before we established a friendship outside of the classroom. We have invited so many people to come and see us but we definitely hope that Tania will be able to come... and maybe you will get to meet her!
This is our view most mornings. In the distance there are two peaks - a pointy one and a more gradual one just to the left of it. They are the volcanoes just outside the city. Once the sun gets up they disappear from sight because of the pollution...but we aren't sleeping the best so we usually get plenty of time to see them. Below is the view out the back.
Since the last time we posted we have been flying around visiting people. We have managed to close 6 of the 9 cases.

Andrew felt achy all over and had a pretty constant headache for a week. He had no fever thankfully and though the tiredness hasn't lifted the rest of the symptoms seem to be a thing of history. We appreciate your prayers for him as he is susceptible to severe headaches. But we know prayer works!

I developed a heavy cold but avoided going to the doctor. Until last Thursday. I had twisted a muscle in my back but continued doing the things I had planned and by the evening it was quite angry. My temperature went up and so I succumbed to the inevitable. I was diagnosed with bronchitis and given a pile of medicine. It's the first time since coming to Mexico that I have had asthma-like symptoms even though I had it bad as a kid. Anyway, time heals as they say and things are looking up.

The kids have been great healthwise. They are tired though and so after tomorrow we are hoping they will be able to get the rest they need before the big journey. Tabitha has struggled with all the changes and is expressing it in anger. We went out with our old neighbours this morning and it was lovely to see our happy, singing daughter again. I should imagine things will settle down once we finally get on the promised airplane and she sees family that she has been desperate to see for ages. She has no idea of the painful consequences of our leaving but she has so much to look forward to.

God willing we fly out around 9.o0am local time (3.00pm in Britain) on Thursday. We should arrive in N. Ireland (with 15 layers of clothing each!!) at 9am local time Friday (3am Mexican time) It's almost 24 hours when you consider the drives to and from the airports. We continue to appreciate your prayer as we say our final goodbyes (the hardest are last!) and for a safe journey (with kids who sleep!).

1 comment:

Jim said...

We're so sad to see you go before we could meet the whole family. :( Maybe we'll just have to visit you across the pond! :) Or... maybe you'll be back to Mexico to visit?