Saturday, October 24, 2009


Our last few days in Mexico seem like a whirlwind. There were so many little things to do at the last minute and lots of people wanted to pop in to say goodbye. Goodbyes are never easy but when you know it may be unlikely you will ever see some of these people again and certainly not for extended periods like we have been used to it makes them even more difficult. Sunday was difficult as we said goodbye to many people in the church. In the afternoon we went out for a picnic with the MOPS girls and their families and those were some of the most difficult goodbyes for me.

In the middle of it all some of the young girls from church come around and I taught them to make cookies and banana bread. They want to raise money to come and visit. It would take a lot of cookies and bread to buy a ticket but it would be amazing if they could come. Some people talked about coming to visit so perhaps we will have the opportunity to make introductions.

The day before we left my temperature went up again. I quickly phoned the doctor to get the name of medicine that would bring it down and we got to praying that it would and that I would not be denied my place on the plane. I know many were praying for our journey perhaps without knowing the specifics but I was so aware of your prayers. All day I felt terrible and was in bed at the same time as the kids. In the morning my temperature was down and I was feeling much better. Since coming home I have been put on another antibiotic and with a lot of rest I am feeling a million times better.

On Wednesday morning we had a meeting with the wives of the pastors and as you can see from the picture Robin MacKinnon was in town. We were able to snatch some precious moments together and I feel blessed that God should have worked the circumstances for our reunion to be made possible.

Once again thank you for your prayers as we travelled. We have absolutely no doubt that we were carried by prayer. The kids, once again, were amazing. We had more incredibly tough goodbyes at the airport with Margaret and Robin. It was fantastic to travel with the Lindseys though we knew that meant even more difficult goodbyes ahead. There is no doubt that we really miss our amazing missionary family and wish we could have them all here with us. How long will it be until teletransportation is possible? Perhaps better to long for heaven where there are no more goodbyes!

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