Friday, February 20, 2009


It has been an incredibly busy week as we have worked towards the big event today. We know there are some who desperately want to know how the grand opening went so here are some photos. It was an excellent service. An emotional day for the team and in particular Fidel, who has anticipated this day for many years. Here is Fidel praying with the congregation of about 120 people. Some have supported Fidel for up to 20 years!
Andrew gives thanks to the many foreign churches and individuals who have been involved and have supported the work. Maybe we'll be able to get a clip of this part for the blog...
Cutting the ribbon. Fidel and Juana, Alex and Paty, Gloria (visiting us from NI who has supported Fidel and now MEFI for many years through the work of the charity shop and represents the faithful team there), Miguel (the president of UNIFAM, our pastor and the supervisory pastor of the MEFI team), Mark and Alisa (have been here several times and been involved in the ministry for several years) and José who has led many teams here to work on the remodelling.
A meal afterwards cooked by the team and enjoyed by all.
One of the highlights was to see a few of the kids who have been impacted by the ministry and are now doing well and living off the streets. Our prayer as ever is that there would soon be many more stories of lives transformed by the power of God and for His glory. I'll write a little more at the weekend. Thank you for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing to be a part of this wonderful event. We are praying for your ministry and can't wait to get back there.
Love you guys, Rick and Diana Drummond

Anonymous said...

We were there to witness this wonderful event. in seeing Mexico City for the first time with its 30,000,000 plus people I could only think that you have undertaken a truly a God sized task. What I found is God in the midst of you and your lives.

May God Bless you and keep you safe!

John and Marcia Boggs
Waco, Texas