Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's the season

That's what we keep hearing when anyone gets sick. The cold mornings and nights and warm days seem to be a recipe for sickness. Thankfully it is now heating up a little so we should be able to shake these things off.

Oscar continues to have a fragile stomach so we are keeping him on the medicine for a while. He has eaten quite well today which is encouraging. Tabitha had a few sniffles this week but her spirits are high. She enjoyed a sleep over with the MacKinnon kids this week (see our family blog for more details) and is still talking about it.

I wasn't so well this week. I had a fever with a 'funny' tummy and sore throat. Not sure what it was but mummies can't get sick so I got some medicine which seems to be clearing it up. Andrew also has a 'funny' tummy at the moment. More annoying than anything else. It sounds gloomy but really we are ok. We are constantly aware of the need for God's protection and care and especially when we are physically week.

The great news is that my mum and dad arrive tomorrow for 2 weeks. They will be here for the Drop-In Centre opening of course and then next week we hope to be able to take a few days off together. It seems we are in need of a little rest!

They are also here for Tabitha and Oscar's birthday party which is on Saturday. It is another link with our neighbours for which we would appreciate prayer.

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