Sunday, February 01, 2009

A busy week

We made it through the week. Thank you for your prayers for all the meetings we had. The organisation of the kids' program for MOPS was a highlight for me. Two girls came along and through out lots of fantastic ideas. Both have worked with kids of that age before. This is God's provision in answer to your prayers.

Andrew had some good chat with Carlos and we look forward to continuing friendship with that little family.

The teenager I met with on Tuesday wasn't incredibly open. She did share a little of her heart but I feel there is a lot she didn't share. We found that we have a common interest in crafts and so the idea is that she will come over to do 'crafty' things. My prayer is that with more frequent contact she will be more open as there is a lot she needs to get off her chest. She is a great girl with lots of potential.

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