Sunday, December 14, 2008


We think that prayer might have been answered. We have been needing someone to take the responsibility of the kids while the MOPS meetings are in progress but no one seemed to be obvious for the task. I didn't want someone who wasn't called and dedicated to the task to take it on. I also really wanted someone young who could come to the house for further planning as it is a big responsibility.

There is a girl who seems to be available and keen to help. She is a great girl but she is also very busy. Please continue to pray that God will make it clear to her if this is something He wants her to do. I will need to speak with her soon to get a final answer and if she says yes then we will get to work on planning and will hopefully be on target to start in the New Year as planned.

This is God's ministry and we are excited to move forward in His time and with the people He has called to the job.

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