Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Christmas...nearly

We're almost there and we have no doubt that you are too busy to be reading lengthy blog posts so we'll be really brief.

What a joy this week to get together with all the missionaries, church planters, pastors and their families. Andrew and I led the carol singing and games and we had a blast. There is a great spirit of unity and we are trusting God for great things as new house churches open all over the place and these workers tirelessly work to see His kingdom extended here in Mexico.
Spot the confident missionary kids! Tabitha and Ethan MacKinnon were happy to enjoy the view from the platform in front of everyone. It won't be long before they are looking for the mics!
The MOPS girls all have a list of things that need to be done in each area before we have our next meeting in January. There has been a lot of planning and we need to see some fruit as we move towards the start date. We won't start until we are ready so please pray that the girls will find time and energy to get to work.

There has been a little set-back at the drop-in centre. We found out today that one of the pipes in the boys bathroom is too high and will need to be re-positioned. It's not a major job but every day is precious as we keep moving into the next phase. Alex and Paty's sister-in-law passed away this week (Alex's brother's wife) leaving her husband (who is blind) and two teenage kids. We're sure they would appreciate prayer as they grieve with their family.

Praise God with us for a new 'family' member. A man responded to the gospel message at the special event down in Chalco tonight. We're also praising God for the 50 people who attended. Thanks as always for your prayers!

Well, if you have kids around you no doubt this is a very exciting and busy time. We certainly have a very excited little girl! We hope to spend Christmas morning opening presents and joining with our families (in N. Ireland, England and Canada) through Skype. In the afternoon we will get together with our missionary family for food and fun D.V. Not only is there Christmas Day to look forward to but we are also hoping to get out of the city for a few days break. Everything goes quiet here over Christmas time unlike at home. We're so grateful for the chance for a rest, some sun (sorry if it's freezing where you are!) and time to be together. We want to wish you a wonderful holiday and times of happy memories. Let us leave you with this amazing video as a reminder of what it's all about.

1 comment:

Janette said...

good to see your growing up kids and ministries again, friends. May God bless you and keep you in this new year. We miss you.