Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas presents

We were asked if we could help to give Christmas presents to the kids who attend the church down in Chalco. This is an incredibly poor area where the kids will receive very little this year. It is such a joy to be able to help. It is an extra special joy to be able to use gifts that have been brought out by teams or sent to us. Perhaps you may see something that you donated...
Here are the gifts ready to go. Please pray that the kids will get some enjoyment out of these presents. Pray that above all they will know they are loved by the church team and by God as well and that they will grow in their love of Him. We probably won't be able to get a photo of the kids receiving their gifts as we won't be at the service and no one there has a camera.
Last week it was a joy to go down to the mother church of the Chalco congregation and to help with music there. In some ways it reminded us of home with the warmth of the people and the tone of the service. It is a long way to get to the church (and Margaret once again looked after the kids to allow us both to go) but it is always an enjoyable experience when we get there.

Andrew hopes to go back to Chalco next Sunday evening to help with a special evangelistic service in connection with Mex-i-Kids. He will do a mime and teach some new songs. Please pray that new people will have the courage and openness to attend and that God will speak through all that is said and done.

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