Sunday, March 23, 2008


It has been such a joy to spend time with the Asbury team this week. They also blessed us by babysitting for a night. Here you see the team on a visit to the streets. Paty is speaking with the group.
While one half of the team was on the streets the other half were working at the Drop-In Centre and then they swapped. Well they can make it look like they were working!
On Friday Andrew and Gary drove the team down south to participate in a church service and then they went on to a famous processional. The trial and crucifixion of Christ were acted out with someone actually being nailed to a cross! Seemingly it was an incredible experience. As the team waited there were people milling about selling ice lollies and other refreshments. Many were there just to see the spectacle, perhaps as it may have been way back then. May we never lose the sense of awe, wonder and appreciation of what actually happened on Good Friday.

The team leader, Melissa, was an MK here so it was lovely to see her again. Pray for the team as they return tomorrow and process all they have experienced.

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