Sunday, November 18, 2007

In sickness and health

Here we are with Andrew's parents. We had a great time together and particularly appreciated getting out of the city to the beach for a few days rest. After almost two weeks we said our goodbyes on Wednesday. Follo the link on the right to Tabitha's blog to see more photos.

On the way home from the airport Andrew called in at the Drop-In Centre while I stayed at home. It seems that everything went ok while we were away. A few ups and downs but nothing that couldn't be resolved. One of the girls who had left the streets disappeared and then returned but is back on the streets again. The two guys who started renting a couple of weeks ago seem to be doing well. We'll have more news next week as we catch up even more.

Tabitha finished her course of anithistamines during the week. The very next day the spots came back with a vengeance so she's back on the medicine for another week. After then we may need to have some tests done to try and figure out what she is allergic to. Thankfully she seems unaffected by it all. The spots don't appear to annoy her and she is her usual chirpy, energetic self.

Andrew has also been gradually coming down with something that seems like a flu. He feels weak and tired. He may need to take a couple more days off this week to recover properly.

We were delighted to be able to go for a scan of the baby with Andrew's parents. The lady who did the scan was a lovely Christian with very good English (and wanted the practice) so we didn't need to translate. It was so exciting to see baby no. 2 who in our opinion looks very like Tabitha. These 3D scans are fantastic and here they cost 1/10th the price they are at home so it's nice to take advantage. We were able to see the baby yawn and make a smile like grimace among other things.

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