Sunday, November 18, 2007

Evangelism on our doorstep

We didn't mention it at the time but Halloween was interesting for us this year. Trick or treating isn't a new concept for us but the thought that you can open the door and see anything between 5 and 70 people there is rather entertaining.
We had bought sweets in preparation but wanted to make sure that we gave the people who came something that would help them spiritually too. We quickly ran out of all supplies. It seems that the people come in bus loads to our neighbourhood. A lot of people understandably turn out all the lights and don't answer their door but Andrew loved going out and handing out tracts, cards and stickers and telling people of God's love to the vampires, ghosts, pumpkins, skeletons etc. from babies in arms to adults that came to our door.

We don't know if there is any fruit but God's word will not return to Him void so here's hoping at least some of the people read the literature they received.

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