Sunday, November 04, 2007

Family trip to the Drop-In Centre

This week all three of us were able to go down to the Drop-In Centre on Wednesday morning. Tabitha's sleeping pattern has made it impossible for me to go down regularly but now that she is transitioning to one sleep a day we're thinking that I'll be able to go down on Wednesday mornings which is exciting. The kids loved seeing Tabitha and she had a great time exploring and playing with the guys. Here are some of them making Christmas ornaments for selling.
This is one of the pictures made by an ex-street kid. The logo is of one of the popular football (soccer) teams here whose nickname is 'the Eagles'. It's made with metal sheeting which has been molded by hand.
Paty and Juana sit down for a minute to help with some of the manual work as Tabitha runs off with some Christmas decorations (and her shoe in her hand)!
One of the guys mentioned in last weeks blog post has now found a place to stay off the streets and will be moving in with one of the other guys who has been going to the Drop-In Centre for the last couple of months. They found a room for rent at £17/$35 a month and are absolutely over the moon about it. Please continue to pray for them in this period of transition.

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