Sunday, June 17, 2007

The love of Christ

We are continually giving God thanks for the fantastic team we work with here. These people have such love for the kids. Here Alex is helping one kid who can't feed himself, probably through drug use. There is no job these dear folks won't do, from pushing wheelbarrows to scrubbing pans, to leading bible studies and sorting out clothes and talking with teams etc.

Praise God! May we learn from them.
The other day Andrew was on the Metro (underground) and a street kid got onto his carriage begging for money. He had no strength in his legs so he dragged himself along the ground on his arms. Someone said something which made him very angry and he retaliated with loud and course words. As he continued through the carriage the lady sitting beside Andrew (who had been reading a Christian book) held his arm and told him kindly but firmly that he had no need to talk like that to people. She then asked if he felt God could help him. The kid (about 17/18 years old) instantly softened and nodded. There on the carriage the woman prayed the sinners pray with him, gave him 50 pesos (about £2.50 or $5) and prayed for him. Later Andrew told the lady what a blessing it had been for him to witness what she had done. May it be an example to us all to make to most of every opportunity.

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