Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Back to the Streets

Mike Berkeley, the British Director for OMS is here at the moment visiting the field. He has been visiting other places on the way and has yet another stop to make before he returns home.

He went yesterday to the streets with Andrew. With all the catching up we have been doing with Fidel and Alex and Paty, as well as all the settling in with getting the house ready and looking for cars and missionary retreat, it was Andrew's first trip to the streets since we got back.

They went with Fidel to 2 different groups. Andrew said that one of the groups had a lot more younger kids which is always a worry. It was his first exposure since our return to the 'street' Spanish which will take some adjusting to. He learnt a new word (which the street kids use to describe someone who is posh). It's always wise to pass words that the street kids teach you through someone you trust. As expected the word is one to forget - it's considered very rude outside of the street culture.

It was good for Andrew to get back to the streets. Today he's back at the house finishing the painting, cleaning and waiting for the carpets to be laid and the washing machine to be delivered. Tomorrow we will move our furniture in and on Friday our bed will be delivered so that is when we hope to move in. All in good time to unpack boxes etc. before Andrew starts his Spanish classes on Monday. Pray for his stamina and that he won't get sick (with stomach bugs or headaches).

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