Saturday, July 04, 2009

This week in view

I was so encouraged this week at MOPS. We had new mums but what was most wonderful was that some had been invited by others who are obviously enjoying the ministry. The schedule is a little crazy at the moment and so we now have 3 weeks before the next meeting. That's the one I am speaking at so I am busily reading and preparing for that when I have time and energy!

We are also involved in the speaking schedule at the youth camp for the national churches at the end of this month. The up side is that it is a little further along the coast from Acapulco. The down side is that we really aren't sure what is expected of us yet. Hopefully we'll get that sorted soon and then we'll be focused on preparation for that as well. We appreciate your prayers for us in that but also for the youth who will go along. Camp is always a time when amazing things can happen and that is exactly what we want to see for God's glory. There are other people speaking as well so it's exciting to be part of a team.

La Raza had more new people to their service on Thursday night. Others came back again too. Pray for us as we visit during the week and give out literature on the street. This week starts the implementation of praying over and selecting a few of the kids who already come to the day program for extra discipleship and trying to involve them more in the life of the church during the week. "Man looks at the outward appearance but the LORD looks at the heart."

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