Saturday, July 04, 2009


Recently I have been encouraged, challenged and inspired and wanted to share some of the resources with you.

I came across the name Travis Cottrell in a Beth Moore study we missionary ladies have been doing together. I looked him up on itunes and ended up buying one of his albums. It was an utterly fabulous investment. The words are mind blowing and so challenging. Here's an example and perhaps, like me, you'll be downloading and enjoying the blessing of this ministry.

I am a stranger in this place
This world is not my home
I want more than it can give
I am a desert needing rain
I'm thirsty for your voice
The very reason that I live

You are the Word, my one desire
An all consuming living fire
The very breath that I am longing for
My heart is desperate for Your ways
Refine me in Your holy blaze
If that is what it takes to know you more
You are the truth that sets me free
Your word is life to me

Then this week I learned through a fantastic blog I check in on from time to time about a lady who gives her testimony in front of a large audience of ladies knowing that she is weeks away from meeting her Lord. It is just full of deeply profound thoughts from an incredible woman who believes the 4 most important things in the world are 1. To know God, 2. To know yourself, 3. To know the gospel and 4. To know your purpose. I highly recommend that you take one little hour out of the 168 hours you have this week to let your heart be stirred and reminded of your priorities in life as you too seek to grow more like Him.

1 comment:

The Agnews said...

I watched this myself. Very moving. And she lives in Vancouver too! I think her memorial service was at St. John's Shaugnessy. Jenn and I have been there for a service. Excellent church!

Talk soon.