Sunday, June 14, 2009

This week's style award...

It's been a week! Let me lay some background here. Tabitha in her innocence has been coming out with some great words this week. Like, "Mummy, do you remember when Jesus was here last morning (which means this morning)?". I take the opportunity to say, "Sweetie, Jesus is always here. We can't see Him but we can talk to Him and He always hears us." And I'm thinking, 'and He sees and hears everything we do and say.'

Then on Tuesday morning we go to a MOPS group close to home. There are 3 stations - one to teach how to style hair (and excited Tabitha gets beautiful hair for the day), one to teach how to cut hair (where I think she spent the rest of her time) and one to teach how to make pretty hair clips (my parking spot for the morning).

Now almost a year ago I went to the hairdressers with Tabitha to get her hair cut (of course). With the words, 'Don't get a fringe cut in!' ringing in my ears we come back and Tabitha has...a fringe. I know, I'm pretty weak really. So for a year now we've been growing down 'that fringe'.

So this Friday I bravely get out the scissors for my first nervous attempt at haircutting. I'm relieved that it hasn't been a complete disaster and that Tabitha's 'fringe' is almost the same length now as the rest of her hair.

Saturday is a new day. Morning activities draw to a close and Mummy goes to the kitchen to make lunch. I return to the living room to get the kids and find Tabitha on the floor, scissors in hand not quite so nervously snip, snip, snipping at her precious hair. Now remember, Jesus is watching and listening....

In my head I think, 'sure everyone does this at some point'. I mean Tabitha's defender of the peace (my mum) even reminds me that I did it myself once. I go straight to Google to calm my frustration by looking for images of other kids who have done the same thing. But even though there are kids crying (obviously after some disciplinary measures) there don't appear to be any that made such a drastic mess as Tabitha (in my view).

Everything calms down, Tabitha has her lunch and both kids go down for a nap. When she wakes up she comes down and says "Look Mummy, I didn't cut my hair!"

"I'm afraid you did sweetie. Let's go and look in the mirror."

"Oh, I look horrible with that hair. We need to get new hair."

Well, we know it will grow... eventually. And as I reminded Tabitha in another teaching moment this week, being a princess is more about what's in the inside than the outside. Let's just say, she's pretty clear that cutting hair is best left to someone else (even be that for a dodgy mummy cut!).

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