Sunday, April 05, 2009

La Raza

There is a core of about 14 kids coming along each morning to La Raza with others coming along at times. We would appreciate your prayers for the team. Everyone is really tired because the mornings, though profitable and enjoyable, are full and exhausting. The daily plan is changing accordingly. There is a lot of pressure to open the centre as a church and soon services will start on a Thursday evening. Instead of going to the streets every afternoon the team have decided to spend the afternoons visiting neighbours in the area and build up contacts. This Wednesday the youth from the Santa Monica church will perform a play and the people in the area are invited. Please pray for that event.

The MEFI team then will probably spend one day visiting the streets. There are people from different churches who have expressed an interest in volunteering. Pray with us that they will keep their word and be able to help the team out to relieve some of the pressure they are under.

We praise God for those kids who are already showing an interest in learning from the Word. Once again we were reminded of the urgency of the task as another well-known guy from Indios Verdes was knocked down by a car and killed this week. These kids live dangerous, lost lives and time is short.

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