Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I always love Easter Sunday in Mexico. The service starts at 7am and all the ladies are encouraged to dress in white. The tone of the service is always very exciting and this year was no exception. We had a joined service with the Santa Monica congregation and a choir made up of members from both churches. The church was buzzing. People were still arriving 2 hours after we started (the service lasted over 3 hours!). There wasn't much room left for more seats. It was amazing. At the end of the service there were 25 baptisms (some were people converted through the house churches). God is working here and moving in families and communities. A grandmother was baptised with 2 of her grandchildren and a husband a wife were baptised. Our prayer is that some MOPS mums will be baptised at the next opportunity!

We forgot to take our camera so this shot taken with Andrew's phone just doesn't do it justice but it gives an idea.
We hope you had a great weekend remembering the sacrifice made on you behalf in order that you could know eternal life. When explaining the wonder of Easter to Tabitha and comparing it with Christmas she said, "I love baby Jesus!" We do too. Do you?

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