Thursday, March 12, 2009

La Raza update

Thank you for your prayers this week. It has been encouraging so far. Six kids turned up the first day. They have turned out to be quite a good group of kids, a little older than usual. On Tuesday two new kids came along. Yesterday 19 kids showed up! 4 left during the day leaving 15 which is the maximum number that can be adequately be taken care of by the team. A few more also turned up after the doors were closed but had to be turned away. With this number we will need to divide the kids into groups to do different activities simultaneously. It's highly possible that not all these kids will keep going along. Our prayer is that the ones who do have the determination to stay and leadership qualities to reach their groups will keep coming along until the less determined do leave.

Here are some of the kids enjoying something to eat.
The program is quite relaxed this week while the team build up trust with the kids. Thanks to a gift from England we were able to buy this very sturdy (kid proof!) table football game. It was an incentive for the kids to return on Tuesday and was a real hit. The little girl is Alex and Paty's granddaughter.

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