Sunday, March 01, 2009


Our time away was a welcome break. Unfortunately Tabitha took sick and eventually we decided it would be wise to call a doctor. She had some sort of a throat infection/tonsillitis which was producing a high fever, a little vomiting and she slept practically all day Wednesday. We got her some medicine and thankfully she was quickly feeling a lot better. Going into the pool is Tabitha's most favourite thing in the world and there was not much chance of stopping her going in when the medicine began to take effect!
There are many reasons we like to go to Acapulco - it's fairly close and not too expensive, we know the road and where to stop for the kids' sake, we know our way around, it's guaranteed good weather... We also love to meet up with people we know in the churches there. This time we had an extra special reason to go - the Mex-i-Kids Club has opened in Colosso, the 2nd largest housing estate in Latin America supposedly.

This is the pastor and his son with Andrew. the sign reads 'Welcome to the Club'

My primary school back in N. Ireland (where our nieces now attend) had collected money together and we felt we should offer it to Colosso to help with set-up costs. Here is what the team were able to buy with the money they received. It was our privilege to be there to deliver the gift in person and to see the joy on the faces of the team. This equipment will be well used. We pray that many kids in the huge and needy area will find in this church a place where they are welcome and where they will meet the One who loves them more than anyone else.Yesterday Andrew took Dad to the Mex-i-Kids Club in La Loma. Kids in the church in Coleraine had written letters to the kids here in Mexico. They were eager to have their short notes translated. The kids in N. Ireland have collected thousands of pounds over the years to help with the weekly running of the breakfast clubs. Their faithful weekly giving which allows the breakfast club to continue may result in a child and/or their family coming to know Christ as Saviour. They may never personally meet the kids here in Mexico but perhaps one day they will meet up in heaven where language won't be a barrier.

Here are the kids with their notes. They were also delighted to receive Dairy Milk bars which we would gladly have kept for ourselves but passed on dutifully as instructed!

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