Sunday, November 09, 2008

Drop-In Centre

Hopefully next week we will have some video or photos of the drop-in centre. It seems so close to completion. There is a little painting to be done, some installation of bathroom and kitchen fittings and a lot of cleaning. Please pray for the team this week. It could be so easy to get discouraged so close to the end but we need one big push to get the job almost, if not altogether completed. Andrew has been spending most of his time with the team recently encouraging them and working alongside to see the project completed.

We were devastated this week to have to let Hector (his web name) go. We have been supporting him with rent, some seminary training, helped to pay his wage and a very small salary as he has worked in the drop-in centre. He has made some bad choices over too long a period of time and together the team decided that the best thing for him would be to find his feet by himself while all the time continuing to offer love and emotional support. It's often hard to know what the best choice is for these kids but we would appreciate your prayers for Hector. Pray that God will touch his heart and show him the benefit of walking His way. Pray that over these next 4 months he will really learn to value the love and support of the MEFI team so that when we talk again with him his attitude will be different and he will have a determination to do the right thing.

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