Thursday, September 25, 2008

Quick update

We're just finalising the packing for a few days break. A couple of close friends are here visiting with us for a couple of weeks so it's a great excuse to get out of the city for a few days. We will be driving to Acapulco (about 4 hours without stops) and will have the opportunity to visit some folks down there too. We hope to encourage one of the pastors with training materials etc. for the church which will soon be starting the newest Mexi-Kids. We will also be able to attend his church on Sunday morning. Apart from that we are excited to be able to take some time out as a family and with our friends. Please pray for good rest, physically and spiritually. Those of you with kids will appreciate our request for prayer that the kids will sleep well in their travel beds and in a different environment. Kids not sleeping well makes for grumpy kids which makes things a lot more difficult for us all! Please pray too that they will travel well. It's a long journey for them.

Last week's MOPS meeting was really encouraging. The girls seems excited about the new ministry. In the next couple of weeks I will be talking to each of them to find out if this is a ministry that God is placing on their hearts. Then in a couple of weeks we will get together again for our first official planning meeting. Please remember the girls as they make this decision and that each one that God is calling will respond and fit into the job He has for them.

The MEFI planning meeting also went really well. Thank you for you prayers once again. Although there are still finer details to work through the changes have been well received as a whole. Praise God for team unity and pray that God will continue to lead this ministry forward in His own perfect way. As for the building. We are soooo close and yet so far. There is a lot of iron work to do, some final plastering and painting. Please pray for the workers who say that they will turn up but never do. We need to finish this building. In fact, please make this a priority for prayer for us.

On Sunday evening and Monday all day we had our annual field planning meetings. It was great to have Mark and Sarah to look after the kids so we could both be there without distraction (in the best possible sense!). What a dynamic time we had of fun and planning together. Lots of new ideas were generated and perhaps what was most exciting was the way we all worked together inputing into each others lives and ministries. We have such a great team here. We really have worked hard on team building and it shows! The kids had a great time too. I think Tabitha will be looking for a space in Mark and Sarah's luggage when they have to say goodbye.

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers. Isn't it wonderful to see God answering them so clearly? Only He can take the credit and receive glory for what is happening here.

1 comment:

Jodesly said...

Will be praying for the building work and for MOPS.

Say hi to Sarah and Mark from us!!!