Sunday, August 10, 2008

Holiday Bible Club (VBS)

The VBS started with a bang on Monday with about 110 kids. At it's peak there were over 150 kids in attendance. The leaders were enthusiastic and excited. Andrew was in charge of the songs which meant picking new songs, inventing actions and doing them in get-together times as well as practicing them in workshops during the mornings. When they were all together the kids would chant for more each time a song ended. Here is a video of clips from the singing. See if you can spot Andrew and the smiles on the kids faces...

On Wednesday Andrew felt exercised to make an invitation at the end of the day. About 60-80 kids responded. (At least that's what it looked like to Andrew when he asked kids to raise their hands before praying.) What does that mean? Well some who responded will have done so many times before, some go to the church week by week and are used to responding to invitations. Without wanting to limit what God was doing at the VBS I would say that 60-80 kids were sensitive to the message of the gospel being preached. Follow up is an extremely important task and we would appreciate your prayers for the follow up program - Mex-i-Kids.

On Saturday Mex-i-Kids will be re-started with a big party. We had a planning meeting for it this morning. If we want the momentum of the VBS to carry on then we need the enthusiasm from the leaders to continue. Unfortunately it seems that that is already waning a little. Saturdays are days that children go to visit relatives or have other clubs to go to, some adults normally work on Saturdays or have other commitments. The exciting thing is that at least 2 or 3 new families were at church this morning as a direct result of the VBS. Andrew and I have always been excited about the potential of kids work. Please pray with us that God will burden the hearts of available people to carry on this amazing work. Pray for committed workers for the harvest.

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