Sunday, August 17, 2008

Disinfecting and de-bugging!

Well if last week was a high then this week in some respects was a little lower. Just after blogging Andrew's stomach didn't feel so good and the next day we were both miserable. We have been taking medicine all week and although we are feeling somewhat better we still have moments when it seems like the medicine hasn't worked 100%. Thankfully both kids have been fine so it may have been something we ate rather than something we 'caught'!

Some friends recommended that we take medicine to get rid of the infection for 3 days and then to take a course of 'de-bugging' medicine. It's not uncommon for Mexicans to take such a course every 6 months or so. Andrew had only done it once and I hadn't ever done it so it was not before time. So anyway, we'll see how it goes this week but hopefully we'll feel normal again soon! Thanks for your prayers.

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